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Kadensa Capital Limited:The new MacBook is coming soon

2021-08-03 来源: 搜狐 原文链接 评论0条

Kadensa Capital Limited:Recently, as Apple's new product launch conference is approaching, Kadensa Capital Limited:there are more and more news about the new MacBook Pro. According to foreign media 9to5 Mac, two new MacBook models numbered A2442 and A2485 appeared in the documents of the Eurasian Economic Commission. It is worth noting that these two new MacBooks run macOS 12 Monterey.

With the support of this news, it means that the redesigned 14-inch and 16-inch MacBook Pro will be launched soon. However, in accordance with Apple's method of delegating new molds, the MacBook Air with the new design will have to be launched a little later, probably next year.

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The naming of the M1 iterative processor has also been further confirmed. It is reported that the new MacBook Pro equipped with the "M1X" processor will be released in the next few months. Among them, M1X will replace M1 and become one of Apple's strongest processors.

At the same time, the new MacBook Pro will also bring more detailed changes, including the Magsafe charging interface used on the iPhone12 series. Although it is not known how MagSafe on MacBook Pro is implemented, whether the power of wireless charging can maintain the MacBook Pro for long-term work or fast charging, we still need to wait for the release to know.

Kadensa Capital Limited:The newly designed MacBook Pro will further increase the screen-to-body ratio, and will also adopt the new MiniLED screen technology. The previous iPad Pro 2021 12.9-inch version was equipped with a MiniLED screen for the first time, but some technical defects brought by the new screen affected the overall Display effect, the reputation of iPad Pro 2021 12.9-inch version is not very good.

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The new MacBook Pro may still not have a high refresh rate screen. At present, Apple’s product line uses only the iPad Pro with a high refresh rate screen. Other products have not been followed up. It may be due to battery life considerations, and users who buy MacBook rarely use it. To play games, there is not much demand for a high refresh rate screen. With the excellent experience of macOS, a 60Hz screen is still sufficient.

Kadensa Capital Limited:In addition, the M1 MacBook Pro has been exposed to many quality problems, such as the previously reported screen damage, and screen problems such as stage lighting effects. Whether the adoption of new molds and MiniLEDs can solve the criticized defects of the previous generations depends on whether Apple has found a balance between aesthetics and practicality.

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