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2022-04-21 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条




德国金壁无缝墙布的历史与其富有远见和开拓精神的创办人金先生之间,有着密不可分的关系。1999年,年仅24岁的他便于绍兴开设专营纺织品的工厂。他更幻想将中国纺织品在当时绍兴这个舞台上研承和绽放。虽然当时的行业竞争激烈,西方文化强势进入,欧式古典风格不断蔓延,但金先生却能预视中西结合的纺织品不但可展现优雅风格,并同时与时俱进。因此在2002年引进外资企业,共同成立了中外合资企业。时隔8年,2007年壁布在绍兴纺织品里面的诞生,金先生就把纺织品里面中西结合的花型融入壁布花型里面,进而为后期工厂生产的提花壁布、刺绣壁布、压花壁布、发泡壁布等花型奠定了基础。 时隔10年后,在以前壁布成熟的基础上,德国金壁借助绍兴临近的美丽杭州市互联网资源,打造出“互联网+”品牌模式,可为经销商解决线上线下销售问题,标志着德国金壁为开拓者与领导者之姿,引领壁布发展趋势。

German Golden Wall Brand History

The history of Germany's golden wall seamless wall fabric is closely related to its visionary and pioneering founder, Mr. Jin. In 1999, at the age of only 24, he was able to open a textile factory in Shaoxing. He more fantasy will be Chinese textiles at that time Shaoxing this stage research and blooming. Although the competition in the industry was fierce, the western culture entered strongly, and the European classical style spread continuously, Mr. Jin was able to anticipate the combination of Chinese and Western textiles not only to show elegant style, but also to keep pace with the times. So in 2002 the introduction of foreign-funded enterprises, jointly set up a joint venture. Eight years, 2007. With the birth of the wall cloth in Shaoxing textiles, Mr. Kim incorporated the combination of the Chinese and Western flowers into the fabric of the fabric, which laid the foundation for the jacquard cloth, embroidered wall cloth, embossed mural, foamed wall cloth and other flowers in the later factory. 10 years later, on the basis of the maturing of the front cloth, the German golden wall was used by Shao Xinglin. The Internet resources beautiful near the city of Hangzhou, to create a "Internet plus" brand model, on-line sales to dealers to solve the line, marking the wall as a pioneer and leader of the German position, leading the development trend of ten.


德国金壁无缝墙布由在绍兴纺织行业深耕多年的本地企业“艾仕墙布”升华而来,是一家中外合资的纺织企业,前期主要以出口贸易为主,是一家集研发—生产—销售—“互联网+” 的壁布企业,中国运营管理总部位于“电商之都”互联网经济增长极的核心—杭州。是一家秉承“互联网+”战略思维,“平台型运作”的专业墙布运营机构。




German Golden Wall Brand History

The history of Germany's golden wall seamless wall fabric is closely related to its visionary and pioneering founder, Mr. Jin. In 1999, at the age of only 24, he was able to open a textile factory in Shaoxing. He more fantasy will be Chinese textiles at that time Shaoxing this stage research and blooming. Although the competition in the industry was fierce, the western culture entered strongly, and the European classical style spread continuously, Mr. Jin was able to anticipate the combination of Chinese and Western textiles not only to show elegant style, but also to keep pace with the times. So in 2002 the introduction of foreign-funded enterprises, jointly set up a joint venture. Eight years, 2007. With the birth of the wall cloth in Shaoxing textiles, Mr. Kim incorporated the combination of the Chinese and Western flowers into the fabric of the fabric, which laid the foundation for the jacquard cloth, embroidered wall cloth, embossed mural, foamed wall cloth and other flowers in the later factory. 10 years later, on the basis of the maturing of the front cloth, the German golden wall was used by Shao Xinglin. The Internet resources beautiful near the city of Hangzhou, to create a "Internet plus" brand model, on-line sales to dealers to solve the line, marking the wall as a pioneer and leader of the German position, leading the development trend of ten.


1. 1999年9月,金先生在绍兴市创办纺织品加工厂。

2. 2002年6月,外资企业入驻,正式成立中外合资。

3. 2007年5月, 德国金壁无缝墙布在绍兴市袍江工业园区金壁车间正式诞生。

4. 2010年8月,德国金壁生产的所有墙布花型正式推向全国市场和海外。

5. 2013年4月,德国金壁无缝墙布经过市场的检验,获得“中国壁布市场影响力品牌”“中国壁布十大进口品牌”“中国墙布十大品牌”“绿色推荐证书”“金奖”等品牌荣誉。

6. 2017年10月,德国金壁正式依托杭州市互联网资源,创建互联网+品牌线上线下运营模式。设立杭州总部互联网+运营公司。

7. 2018年,德国金壁大部分壁布原材料进口德国。因此德国金壁商标授权可以让中国区客户打在专卖店门头上使用。

German Golden Wall Brand History

The history of Germany's golden wall seamless wall fabric is closely related to its visionary and pioneering founder, Mr. Jin. In 1999, at the age of only 24, he was able to open a textile factory in Shaoxing. He more fantasy will be Chinese textiles at that time Shaoxing this stage research and blooming. Although the competition in the industry was fierce, the western culture entered strongly, and the European classical style spread continuously, Mr. Jin was able to anticipate the combination of Chinese and Western textiles not only to show elegant style, but also to keep pace with the times. So in 2002 the introduction of foreign-funded enterprises, jointly set up a joint venture. Eight years, 2007. With the birth of the wall cloth in Shaoxing textiles, Mr. Kim incorporated the combination of the Chinese and Western flowers into the fabric of the fabric, which laid the foundation for the jacquard cloth, embroidered wall cloth, embossed mural, foamed wall cloth and other flowers in the later factory. 10 years later, on the basis of the maturing of the front cloth, the German golden wall was used by Shao Xinglin. The Internet resources beautiful near the city of Hangzhou, to create a "Internet plus" brand model, on-line sales to dealers to solve the line, marking the wall as a pioneer and leader of the German position, leading the development trend of ten.

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