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英语新闻|Qingdao FTZ pushes for higher-level opening-up

2023-01-09 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条


Officials from the China (Shandong) Pilot Free Trade Zone Qingdao Area, or the Qingdao FTZ, recently announced the area's new development goals at the second session of the 17th Qingdao Municipal People's Congress and the second session of the 14th Qingdao Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC).

Zhao Shiyu, a deputy to the 17th Qingdao Municipal People's Congress and director of the Qingdao FTZ's management committee, said the area will fully implement the FTZ upgrading strategy and promote high-level institutional opening-up to make new advancements.

According to Zhang, the Qingdao FTZ will strive to promote high-quality institutional innovation, expand high-level opening-up and build "Four Major Specialized Parks", including the Integrated Circuit Industrial Park, the Gene Science and Technology Industrial Park, the Intelligent Manufacturing Industrial Park, and the Aviation, Trade and Finance Integration Innovation Base.

Wang Li, a CPPCC member and deputy director of the Qingdao FTZ's management committee, said the Qingdao FTZ will strive to gain more than 30 new high-quality innovative institutional achievements, continue to deepen cooperation and exchanges with Germany, Japan, South Korea and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) member countries, focus on promoting the operations of a number of investment projects, accelerate the construction of international research platforms, and continue to attract young scientific and technological talents from across the world.

The Qingdao FTZ remains committed to creating a free and convenient business environment to develop foreign trade and logistics and attract investment, capital and personnel. [Photo/WeChat ID: qingdaozimao]

The Qingdao-Japan International Business Club is located in the Qingdao International Economic Cooperation Zone in the Qingdao FTZ. [Photo provided to]

Source:CHINA DAILY-Charming Qingdao

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