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2021-03-05 来源: The West Australian 原文链接 评论2条

据The West Australian报道,100位西澳名流受邀参加工党晚宴。

Spudshed 的老板土豆大王Tony Galati、金矿老板Bill Beament和房地产开发商Nigel Satterley这些人有什么共同点吗?

$1500一顿饭!西澳工党筹款晚会受邀名单曝光,与会者非富即贵,看看都有谁!(图) - 1

$1500一顿饭!西澳工党筹款晚会受邀名单曝光,与会者非富即贵,看看都有谁!(图) - 2



这场活动于昨晚6点在珀斯最顶级的区Peppermint Grove的Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht俱乐部举行,这是工党在竞选活动中最大的摇钱树,能够有力支持此次选举。

$1500一顿饭!西澳工党筹款晚会受邀名单曝光,与会者非富即贵,看看都有谁!(图) - 3


包括Mineral Resources的老板Chris Ellison、HBF的董事总经理John Van Der Wielen、Woodside的首席执行官Peter Coleman, Fortescue的首席执行官Elizabeth Gaines和Wesfarmers的主席Michael Chaney。

矿业和资源类公司是最具代表性的公司之一,Chevron、Northern Star Resources和Gold Road Resources等公司的员工都会参加。

$1500一顿饭!西澳工党筹款晚会受邀名单曝光,与会者非富即贵,看看都有谁!(图) - 4图源: Matt Jelonek/WireImage


“这是在珀斯举办的最负盛名的企业活动。”过去曾向工党和自由党捐款的 Satterley在一月份时说。

客人们将享用皇室口味的三道菜大餐,包括Shark Bay的扇贝、Harvey Angus的牛肉片、巧克力馅饼和奶酪。

但是,联邦工党领袖Anthony Albanese不会出席此次活动,也不会在珀斯为期两天的访问期间与麦高文一起参加任何媒体活动。


Chris Ellison — Mineral Resources

John Van Der Wielen — HBF

Peter Coleman — Woodside

Elizabeth Gaines — Fortescue

Michael Chaney — Wesfarmers

Andrew Hagger — Tattarang and Minderoo

Chris Ellison — Mineral Resources

Nigel Satterley — Satterley Property Group

Neil Hamilton — BGC

Michael Anghie — APM

Fiona Drummond — EY

Russell Gibbs — Hawaiian

Scott Park — Scott Park Group

Lyndon Dyson — Wizard Pharmacy Services

Gary Gascoigne — Optimal Pharmacy Plus

Matthew Tweedie — Pharmacy Guild of WA

Rosh Jalagge — Burswood Care

Vic Jakovich — Jako Industries

James Fitzgerald — Civmec

Peter Agostino — Ascot Capital

David Templeman — Local Government Minister

Michael Megaw — Michalgaw Consulting

Shane Wormall — Wormall Civil

Mike Mulhall — Wormall Civil

Kate George — PWC

Joshua Thurlow — Mineral Resources

Kym Coffey — Paspaley

Paul Fiore — LD Total

Steve Roper — Landscape Australia Construction

Dave Kelly — Water Minister

Liam Twigger — PCF Capital Group

Georgina Low — PCF Capital Group

Martyn Weir — Oqea

Hanh Nguyen — Redi

MedJohn McCourt — RSL

Jock Clough — UWA Oceans Institute

Rick Sherlock — McMillan Shakespeare

Ray Todd — Cossil& Webley

Ian Oldfield — Oldfield Knott Architects

Maryna Fewster — Seven West Media

Mick Murray — Sports Minister

Graham Heath — Bunbury Farmers Market

Kevin Opferkuch — Bunbury Farmers Market

Leith Johnston — Bunbury Farmers Market

Lenda Oshalem — Newgate Communications

Sarah Fordham — National Heart Foundation

Klara Andric — WA Labor

Jessee Desmond — WA Labor

Lou Spagnolo — Liquor Stores Association of WAE

lpida Young — Politis Group

Tom Weaver — Fortescue

Gemma Stabler — Fortescue

Rob Grant — Fortescue

Astrid Serventy — Fortescue

Brett McGuire — Fortescue

Sue Ellery — Education Minister

Peter Rullo — Land Surveys Group

Joshua Gardner — Land Surveys Group

Bill Beament — Northern Star Resources

Sharon Goddard — Gold Road Resources

Justin Osborne — Gold Road Resources

Scott Anderson — MN

GIan Callahan — Curtin University

Michael Cross — Aegis Aged Group

Brad Brashaw — Aegis Aged Group

Alannah MacTiernan — Regional Development Minister

Vikas Rambal — Perdaman Corporate Services

Megan Anwyl — Anwyl Hardwired

Yuzheng Xie — Gold Valley

Adrian Costello — Gold Valley

Mark Hancock — Gold Valley

Stuart Nicholls — Strike Energy

Faz Pollard — Adarsh Australia

Paul Slaughter — Harvest Road

Richard Henfrey — Quintis

Michelle Roberts — Police Minister

Shane Kelly — St John of God Healthcare

Stephen Moir — Motor Trade Association of WA

Michelle Fyfe — St John Ambulance WA

Vaughan Corps — Karratha Earthmoving

Beau Corps — Karratha Earthmoving

Glenn Donaldson — Downer

Matthew Woods — KPMG

Carl Titchmarsh — Clough

Kate Callaghan — Chevron

John Quigley — Attorney General

Michelle Tremain — PwC

Glenn Butcher — The Growth Execs

Michael Lundberg — Quinn Emmanuel Urquhart and Sullivan

Warwick Hemsley — Hemsley Paterson

Jo Gains — Premier’s office

John Hartman — Tattarang

Tim Mack — Blackoak Capital

Cameron Jones — PwC

Paul Papalia — Tourism Minister

Peter Spackman — Linley Valley Pork

Joanna Williams — Woolworths

Luke Jurcevic — WA Croatian Chamber of Commerce

Anthony Fisk — CGMDaniel Smith — CGM

Allan Erceg — Erceg Management

Nathan Blackburne — Cedar Woods Properies

Michelle Harris — Galati Group

Tony Galati — Galati Group

Peter Tinley — Housing Minister

Peter Laurance — Pivot Group

Amanda Laurance — Pivot Group

Joe Mrhese — Home Group

Craig Park — Blueprint Homes

Jon Burgess — Burgess Design Group

Daniel Erceg — Spyda Construction

Nick Perrington — Acument Project Management

Jarrod Rendell — Acument Project Management


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