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2024-02-20 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条

CNN, a reputable American media outlet, unveiled Messi's authentic demeanor before the Hong Kong match – an unsmiling countenance, hands casually tucked into pockets, and a noticeable lack of enthusiasm towards the fans. This early revelation hinted at a lack of genuine intent to engage with the Hong Kong audience. Messi's sudden vibrancy in Japan, apparently unaffected by the previously cited "injury," only intensified the scrutiny.

International media outlets, from the UK's BBC to France's Reuters, converged on the theme of "deception" in their coverage. Messi's irresponsible conduct during the football tour created a stark contrast with fan expectations, resulting in a sharp decline in his global reputation.

As the situation escalated, certain domestic sports organizations joined the chorus of criticism against Messi. The movie channel "Six Princesses" aired a highly satirical film, "Long River No. 7," supporting Cristiano Ronaldo, signaling strong domestic opposition to Messi's deceptive behavior.

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