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General Insurance Broker Assistant

更新时间 2024-02-27 浏览量 82次 举报此信息 我要顶帖
公司名称 Jubilee Insurance Services
工作性质 全职
学历要求 不限
签证要求 不限
工资水平 面议
工作亮点 离车站近,成长空间,英文环境
公司地址 Suite 3, 165 Forest Rd
联系人 Maggie Dai
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We are a well-established Australian Insurance Broker, working across a range of sectors, seeking an Insurance Broker and/or an Assistant Account Broker to join our highly revered team. The purpose of this position primarily pertains to the processing of new business, endorsements, and renewals, alongside general broker support to the team.

Desired Skills and Experience:

Tertiary qualifications highly preferred, though not essential.
1+ year’s experience in Financial Services in some capacity.
Some knowledge or eagerness to learn of Technical Insurance/Broking Skills, including:
Insurance products
Legislative obligations
Claims processes
Invoicing procedures
High computer literacy, especially with regards to particular word processing and spreadsheet packages.
Desired Behavioural Competencies:

Be able to quickly understand new instructions and concepts.
Working effectively without supervision or close instruction.
Going above the minimum required to achieve goals.
Be able to provide constructive feedback and potential improvements about both the role and broader workplace.
Be able to explore acceptable alternatives and positions.
Present rational arguments, reason, and logic to make a case.
Focus on the problem rather than the person in a negotiation.
Completeness and accuracy around all tasks, information, and projects.
Accomplishing tasks with concern for time restraints of others.
Proactively discovering weaknesses or missing data and acting to correct.
Keep track of all tasks and projects to ensure timely completion while maintaining perspective of broader responsibilities.
Operating within strict procedural guidelines.
Clearly expressing ideas both on a one-to-one basis and in group situations.
Expressing ideas effectively in writing that contain correct and appropriate grammar.
Use of professional vocabulary, language, and terminology.
Ability to work effectively in a team as a valued member who assists in building morale and puts in extra effort to help the team.
Making actions that respect the needs and contributions of others.
Contributing to, accepting, and promoting the consensus.
Time Management, Planning, and Organisation
Effectively manages ones’ time and resources to ensure that work is completed efficiently and effectively.
Setting and achieving goals, both set by themselves and others.
Establishing procedures to monitor the results of assignments or projects.
Customer Service Orientation
Developing customer relationships by listening to and making efforts to understand the customer.
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