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2020-09-19 来源: 北美新视界 原文链接 评论11条


122个美国华人团体集体呼吁:撤销禁止微信的行政令(图) - 1

在这个节骨眼上发布有大量华人社团支持的这封公开信,对华人社区、对正在努力中的律师们、对美国的公共舆论,都会有很正面的影响。目前这封公开信已有许多网站和媒体在转发和报道之中。(公开信和签名组织名单附后)就在美国总统在不久前有关禁止微信的行政命令发布之后,UCA经过多方咨询和商榷,认为尽管we loathe the restriction of freedom of speech on WeChat,但是白宫这一法令有损美国华人的利益,有损两国人民之间的正当交流,有损美中两国长远的关系。有鉴于此,我们将推动各界人士,反对白宫微信禁令的实施。我们将根据美国商务部即将颁布的微信禁令的细则,以及目前在旧金山联邦法庭提交的微信诉讼案的进展情况,来决定UCA下一步是否需要通过法庭来维护华人权益。





Dear President Trump,

The undersigned organizations would like to express our grave concern about the two Executive Orders you issued on August 6th, 2020, effectively banning the WeChat and TikTok applications.

If fully implemented, these Executive Orders will likely violate constitutional protections for all Americans and erode the American rule of law. In addition, these orders will most certainly harm American business operations and their ability to compete in China. But most importantly, these orders will tarnish America’s moral standing in the world, and certainly have an adverse and disparate impact on the lives of many Americans, including millions of Chinese Americans, by chilling their ability to freely communicate with others throughout the world. As such, we respectfully request that you rescind the two Executive Orders.

WeChat and TikTok are popular applications owned by companies in China that are used by hundreds of millions of people globally, not just in China. In the case of WeChat, a mobile communication and commercial platform, many Chinese Americans rely on the application for daily communication with their families and loved ones in China, for conducting business internationally, for civic participation and free political expression in America, and also for exchanging news and opinions that may not be easily available inside China. Thus, these Executive Orders would severely disrupt and uproot the way of life for millions of Americans, as well as limit the free exchange of ideas and facts both here and abroad.

While we recognize the privacy and cyber security concerns noted in the Executive Orders, and we loathe the restriction of freedom of speech on Wechat by the Chinese Government, to dictate and control the way Americans choose the Internet platforms and access information would fly against the openness and democratic values that are at the core of the American spirit. This unnecessarily restrictive and imperious action is out of sync with our core values and American constitutional principles like freedom of speech, and the right to due process under the rule of law. Furthermore, by banning these popular platforms according to the dictates of US government, we are moving dangerously close to the very censorship we so much loathe and often condemn in autocratic societies.

Mr. President, the United States has long stood for an open and free Internet. These Executive Orders, coupled with the Clean Network initiative your Administration has taken targeting China, would effectively create two separate and decoupled internets, which will only serve to restrict the free flow of information to and from China, and reverse the long-held national policy of an open and free Internet held by all previous administrations.

At a time of global pandemic and economic crises, this world needs more free and open communication and cooperation among the nations, not less. Starting an all-out Cold War on the technology front with China during a pandemic is certainly not in the best interest of the United States and this world.

As such, we respectfully request that you revoke the two Executive Orders. Sincerely yours,

Haipei Shue
(202) 672-5060; [email protected]
UCA President 


ACP Foundation in DFW
All America Chinese Youth Federation
Alliance of Chinese Americans San Diego
American Chinese Experts Association 
American Ginseng Association
Arizona Chinese History Association
Asian Caribbean Exchange
Association for Justice
Association of Chinese Americans 
Association of Chinese Professionals (Dallas) 
Association of Chinese-American Scientists and Engineers
Atlanta Chinese IT Association 
Beijing Associations of New York
Belles Far Go LLC
Birmingham Chinese Professor Association
Boston Chinese Photography Association
Bridge Road International Foundation
Carolinas Chinese American Civic Center
CASEC (Miami)
Chicago North Shore Chinese Center
Chicago Professors and Scholars Group
China Media LLC
China’s Children International
Chinese Amercan Voters Alliance Corp
Chinese American CEO Organization (LA)
Chinese American Chamber
Chinese American Federation (LA)
Chinese American Society of Ann Arbor
Chinese Association of Columbia (SC)
Chinese Association of Northwest Arkansas
Chinese Association of West Michigan
Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Arizona
Chinese Club of Western New York
Chinese Culture Society of Greater Nashua (NH)
Chinese Golden Voice Choir
Chinese Language School of Baton Rouge
Chinese School Association in the United States
Chinese-American Association of Newton (MA)
Chineses American Business Association in Birmingham (AL) 
Civic Education Alliance (Boston) 
Coalition for a Better Chinese American Community (Chicago)
Ding Ding TV
Dream Workshop Entertainment & Advertising LLC
East Tennessee Chinese/Chinese American Care
Families with Children from China (FCC) Capital Area
Families With Children From China Louisville Chapter
Florida Asian Services
Florida Asian Women Alliance
Florida Chinese Business Associates 
Florida Chinese Federation
Fujian Association of Southeast USA
Gee Tuck Sam Tuck Association
Greater Cincinnati Chinese Cultural Exchange Association
Greater Cincinnati Chinese Music Society
Greater NY New Asia College Alumni Association
Greater Philadephia Chinese Restaurant Association 
Hand in Hand International Adoptions
Hanlin Education Foundation of America
Henan Chinese Associates USA, Inc,
Hip Sing Association
Hotel Chinese Association of USA
Huntsville Chinese Association
International Child Search Alliance (ICSA)
International Institute for Hakka Studies IIHS
J&W PharmLab, LLC
Jinan University Alumni Assiciation at MA
Kentucky Chinese American Association
Knowledge Tree, Inc
Marathon Ginseng International Inc
Mental Health Association for Chinese Communities
Milwaukee Chinese Community Center
Mingdao School(Seattle)
Minnesota Chinse Association 
Minnesota Chinse Chamber of Commerce
Nanchang Project
National Asian American PAC FL
New Mexico Chinese American Association 
New Orleans Chinese Association 
New York Pan-Asian Democratic Club
North American Hangzhou Association
North Texas Hubei Association
Northeastern Wisconsin Chinese Association.
Northern California Chinese Culture Athletic Federation
OCA Greater Chicago
OCA South Florida Chapter
Ohio Chinese American Association
Olympia Area Chinese Organization
Portland Cantonese Opera Art Center
Seattle Chinese Bar Association
SHANA Chapter of Philadelphia
SHANA Washington Chapter
Shandong Fellowship Association 
Shanghang Hakka Association of North America – Chicago/Midwest US Chapter
Shanghang Hakka Association of North America SHANA
Sioux Falls Chinese Association(South Dakota)
Smallish Homes and Gardens
Soap Lake Resort
Southwest Chinese Association
Southwest Chinese Association
SW Florida Chinese Association
The Association for Justice
The Greater Cincinnati Chinese Association
The i-Center for Composites
The PEARL Institute of New York, Inc. 
UCA National
United Chinese Association of Oregon
US China Corporate Brand Association
US Shandong Fellowship Association
US Vancouver Chinese Association
Utah Chinese Association of Utah
West Virginia Chinese Assocciation 
Westlake Chinese Culture Association
Wisconsin Chinese Chamber of Commerce
Wuhan University Ohio Alumni Association
Youth Coding and Innovation Club
今日评论 网友评论仅供其表达个人看法,并不表明网站立场。
端木愚 2020-09-19 回复
蓝灵 2020-09-19
nickolas 2020-09-19
** 那是脸书不同意把服务中国信息的服务器放在中国 自己不进的
善結仁義 2020-09-19
华人团体干嘛要在中国为FB油管打官司? 美国在华商会也可以在当地递交诉状嘛,实在不行,你来告?🤣
Mr Yu
Mr Yu 2020-09-21 回复
小鱼爱宝 2020-09-19 回复
干得漂亮! 只有团结和行动,共同发声,种族和社群才能维权,不被歧视。
Dorislui 2020-09-19 回复
蓝灵 2020-09-19

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